Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ

How do I buy a product at Home Sweet Kids?
To buy a product on our site, simply navigate to the product page you want and click "Add to Cart". Then follow the instructions to complete the purchase.

What is the delivery process?
The delivery process is very simple! We will send the product directly to the indicated address, and you can track the delivery progress through the tracking code that we will provide you by e-mail.

What payment options are available?
We have several payment options available, including credit card, debit card, ATM reference, MBWay, PayPal and other online payment methods. Choose the one that best suits your needs.

Can I exchange or return a product if I am not satisfied?
Of course you can! If for any reason you are not satisfied with the product, simply contact us and we will do our best to resolve the situation in accordance with our exchange and return policy.

How can I track my order?
You can track the progress of your order at any time by logging into your account on our website and clicking on "Order History".

How can I contact customer support?
To contact our customer support, simply send a message through our contact page or by e-mail. See the contact page. We will always be willing to help!

Do the prices of the products include taxes?
Yes, product prices include all applicable taxes.

Can I choose the date and time of delivery?
Unfortunately, the date and time of delivery is set by our delivery partners and cannot be chosen by the customer. However, if you have any special requests, just contact us and we will do our best to help.

How do I know if a product is available for purchase?
The availability of each product is always indicated on the product page. If a product is available for purchase, you will see the option "Add to Cart". Otherwise, the product is temporarily unavailable or out of stock.